This majestic, custom-built estate has absolutely no peer. An architectural masterpiece boasting the finest artistic details and over 14,000 square feet of awe-inspiring space, it beckons you to live life on a higher plain. With 6 bedrms and 7 full baths and 1 half bath (including a main lvl ADA-compliant suite), this stunning Georgian estate also offers an elevator accessing all 3 levels. From the moment you approach, the stately Georgian home greets you with classical columns rising to the elegant pediment. As you step inside, intricate Gianetti artisan moldings adorn the Grand Foyer offering views to the stunning two-story oval rotunda with dual curved staircases. Above, a massive crystal chandelier and a tasteful portiere overlooking the elegant space. The grand foyer is flanked by the Living Room & Dining Room. Both share exquisite architectural details... more artisan moldings by Gianetti and fireplaces that showcase custom shell motif mantels. Straight ahead from the rotunda and drawing your eye from the reception foyer, the two-story Great Room is suffused with light from soaring windows and a breathtaking ceiling of coffered skylights. It is centered in a floor-to-ceiling dry-stacked stone gas fireplace. An elegant columned side bar is ideal for entertaining. The upper level mezzanine with overhanging loggia overlooks the Great Room and is an ideal spot for musicians to provide music for your next event. It is adorned in designer sconces and architectural elements mirroring Buckingham Palace, its detailing sourced by one of the area's finest designers. Adjacent to the Great Room, a Library like no other, featuring custom millwork and 3 walls of lighted, built- in bookcases as well as a window bay that provides plenty of natural light for reading. The Kitchen is well-appointed with high-end stainless steel appliances. A Subzero refrigerator and separate freezer sit side by side. Other appliances include a Fisher Paykal 2 drawer dishwasher, a Thermador 5-burner gas cooktop, and a built-in microwave and wall oven. Off the kitchen, a handsome octagonal breakfast room clad in teak and windowed all around to take in the scenic grounds. The main level bedroom is a rarity and the ADA-compliant attached bath offers a roll-under vanity as well as accessible shower. The elevator is available for access to all floors from the hallway. A private family staircase ascends to the upper level. But, wait! Before we leave the main level, we must visit the breathtaking teak-clad indoor heated pool, with vaulted ceiling, sheathed in glass. This home is your recreational paradise, as well as your elegant retreat. ... The upper level offers 4 Bedrms, including an au pair (or in-law suite) each with a private bath, as well as the spectacular Owner's Suite. The Owner's Suite is your private refuge, featuring a spacious bedrm with gas fireplace and built-ins as well as a balcony overlooking the pool and a spiral staircase leading to the pool -- for your morning swim. Adjacent to your bedrm is a private study with exquisite built-ins and a portiere overlooking the rotunda below. The primary bath is a spa-like retreat, with jetted tub and a separate steam shower. Two more bedrooms offer private baths and the "Rose Bedroom" features built-ins, a Fireplace, and a stunning ensuite bath with an oval tub with overhead Skylight. A 4th bedrm on the upper level is an au pair/in-law suite offering a bedroom, full bath, and sitting room with a murphy bed ---ideal for your nanny or housekeeper. A well-appointed laundry room completes the upper level. The expansive lower level offers a Fam Rm w FP, Rec Rm with large Cherry bar, a Theatre, 6th bedroom, Den, Hobby Rm & 2 full baths, for changing out of swimsuits. Outside you'll find a deck & terrace w plenty of privacy on a tree-fringed roughly 2 AC lot. Besides the one-of-a-kind indoor pool, you'll also enjoy a full-size tennis court. Pickleball, anyone? Isn't it time to enjoy your success?
Údaje poskytnuté společností Keller Williams Realty, Inc.
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Jistina + úrok
Daň z nemovitosti
Pojištění domácnosti
HOA/poplatek za byt
Hypoteční pojištění
Měsíční platba
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Přihlaste se nebo si zaregistrujte účet Keller Williams ještě dnes a získejte přístup k exkluzivnímu obsahu a další podpoře od místního agenta Keller Williams®!
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Podrobnosti o nemovitosti
Informace o nemovitosti
Typ nemovitosti
Seznam Kategorie
Na prodej
Velikost domu
čtverečních stop
6 lůžek
8 koupele
Dny na místě
291 Dny
Rok postavený
Číslo MLS
Informace o šarži
Velikost šarže
Garden/Lawn, Trees/Woods
Architektonický styl/Design
Concrete Perimeter
Stavební materiály
Vodní zdroj
Interiérové prvky
Bezpečnostní systém
Cooling: Central A/C,Programmable Thermostat,Zoned
Heating: Forced Air,Programmable Thermostat,Zoned
Cooling Fuel: Electric
Heating Fuel: Natural Gas,Electric
Built-In Microwave
Central Vacuum
Cooktop - Down Draft
Exhaust Fan
Oven - Wall
Stainless Steel Appliances
Trash Compactor
Water Conditioner - Owned
Water Heater
Exteriérové prvky
Parkovací funkce
23 parkovacích míst
Types: Attached Garage,Driveway
Features: Concrete Driveway
Has Garage: Y
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Fenny Hurwitz at Keller Williams McLean/ Great Falls
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